Bradford Breakers

Bradford Breakers are primarily employed to simultaneously size and clean raw coal, although they can also be used to separate other materials.

A Bradford Breaker simultaneously sizes and cleans raw coal and is commonly employed for:

  • Primary run-of-mine coal crushing and cleaning
  • Secondary coal crushing and cleaning

Notwithstanding a Bradford Breaker’s prevalence in the coal industry, the machine can also be employed to separate other materials. Various machine sizes are also available to suit a number of specific material and/or processing requirements, ranging in feed rates from 100 t/h to 2,200 t/h and more.

How it works

The Bradford Breaker is essentially a large rotating cylinder powered by an electric motor through a reducer and chain drive. Coal is lifted and then dropped within the cylinder, shattering on impact. Product sized coal passes through perforations in the cylinder shell, while reject material, such as stone, wood and debris, is discarded separately.

A semi-mobile Bradford Breaker offers the junior and small mining sectors all the benefits of a Bradford Breaker in a more compact machine mounted on a relocatable structure. This allows for:

  • Ease of transport to move the machine as mining progresses to another block or resource
  • Ability to position the machine as close as possible to mining operations, therefore reducing trucking and/or conveying costs

Bradford Breakers are sold under license from TerraSource Global in the USA. The license is specific to the African region with permission to use globally if installed into a TAKRAF project.


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